For many of us the pace of our work lives isn’t/hasn’t been sustainable. We have been in a nearly constant state of adrenal overload, where we continue to push our minds and bodies beyond their needs for rest, recovery, and play. Most of the working women I know regularly put their self care, self expression, creative pursuits, hobbies, friendships, and deep reflection and recovery time at the very, very, very bottom of the priority list. Sure we might “carve out” time for a pedicure or a quick vacation, but never for the long hours of all the sleep we need – without a quick look at email to make sure everything is still being taken care of.
Because our entire being has been confined by constant vigilance, responsibility, and productivity for so very many years, it can take more time than we might imagine to learn how to unclench, how to deeply relax, and how to allow ourselves plenty of room to play, to create, to simply be. So be sweet to yourself, dear one, as you begin to build some new muscles.
What does “living your joy” mean to you? How might you be/do that?
What’s your relationship with play? What might it take for you to give yourself permission to play?
How have you been recovering from all the demands on your body, mind, emotions, and spirit?