As we walk the spiral of our lives, we move into new phases, with new gifts and new challenges, and new ways of being in ourselves and in the world.
Time moves us forward in many ways, from student to worker, from maiden to mother, from young mother to mature mother, from beginner to expert, from faking it to actually knowing what we’re doing, from apprentice to accomplished one, from recognition of our contributions to being questioned for our relevancy, from the spring to the summer to the fall to the winter of our lives.
Life propels most of us into what’s next with little ceremony or much choice or even time for reflection.
What if you had that space to reflect, to get some clarity about the process you’re in, to gather up your strengths and gifts and talents to aid you in your transition?
What if you had the sacred space to anchor into your own ground of being and meaning?
What if you had non-judgmental support and encouragement as you make your own wise choices in your transitions?
At any of the “aging up” stages of our lives, personal life coaching for women offers us the opportunity and safe space for all of this.

For those of us moving into the Crone stage of our lives, the challenges can be especially brutal.
Most of us run from the label of Crone or Hag, because older women have been systematically disempowered for such a long time, we all have some form of internalized oppression. No matter what we choose to call ourselves, aging can be a terrifying stage full of loss, even of our sense of ourselves and what might be next for us.
Wise woman, aging one, cackling granny! I’d be honored to accompany you!
Want to find out more about Women and Retirement or a Crone’s Crossing?
Want to step more consciously into your new stage of life or celebrate and close the last chapter? Want more playfulness in the face of the mysteries of life?
Contact me, I’m eager to hear from you.